
I'm currently(2.12.12) changing sites around. I'm going to have an e-commerce site on what is now the miketayse-jewelry.com, the class will now be miketayse-jewelryclass.blogspot and my regular art teacher site is at miketayseartteacher.wordpress.com. miketayse.blogspot will eventually be something else also.

This blog is a mostly a self promotional/show-what-I can-do, and what is going on in class, sort of affair. It's also a kind of resume.  It's a collection of some classroom activities and some personal work.  I'm not a great photographer, but hopefully, you get the idea as to what I teach, some projects, some useful information, and some of work that I produce.


    I'm using Google Blogger for the site and am using the newer templates, which seem much nicer and more adjustable than the previous templates. I'm currently using the Google "Simple" template, laid out by Josh Peterson  with some alterations.  I've done a little bit of  tinkering with html and css stuff, but not much.  I really don't need a lot of glitz, it's just pictures and text, with a few video and slide show elements. I've limited each subject/post/label to one per page and have edited photos to make for quick loading.  Putting the blog/website together has been, and is continuing to be, a great learning experience for myself.  Taking and editing photos, writing,  learning about blog and web design,  and continuing to produce work while attending to my day job makes for a rich and enjoyable life.

   I've been through about 4 or 5 template changes which has led to this one. I have altered the blog format to be less of a chronological ordering of information. It's intended to be organized more by subject.  I recently bought the  miketayse-jewelry.com and the miketayse.com addresses, so I've learned a little about registering domain names. 

   If you have any suggestions and or questions about the work  presented or the site, please don't hesitate to get a hold of me at:

miketayse@gmail.com or miketayse@yahoo.com



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